Natacha Bisarre

Natacha’s abstract expressionist paintings explore and celebrate the human condition and its multi-layered wonders and contradictions, often inspired by unresolved thoughts and questions around human behaviour.

Born and bred in Brussels, Belgium, Natacha is a self-taught visual artist based in South East London. Following her BA Honours degree in Dance Performance (2004), Natacha worked as a dance artist internationally for over 20 years primarily in contemporary dance companies, circus companies, street dance companies and the Royal Opera House. Natacha started focussing on painting after becoming a mother in 2020, and stepping back from her professional dance career.


 Her experience as a dancer led to a heightened awareness of the physical, emotional, and spiritual human experience, which form the foundation of her influences and are characterised by her gestural and kinaesthetic mark making.


“My processes, being based in play and driven by impulse, I feel are always changing, but rooted in a sense of duality and responsiveness with my tools and materials. Whatever the initial trigger or idea, my selection of tools is always determined from a sensory perspective: I rarely know in advance how I want the final piece to look, I’m more interested in the physicality of how I will achieve it and honouring the impulse without intellectualising it.”


“Playing with fluid materials allows me to have ‘conversations’ with my work, responding to them as much as to my own urges and ideas. The final layers of my paintings often include finer lines and markings which I find are essential to my pieces and are almost ceremonial to me in illustrating how everything we experience as humans is connected, whether we are conscious of it or not."


Natacha has recently exhibited in a Solo show, regulary exhibits at The Other Art Fair London, and has recently exhibited at Somerset House and Bricklane Gallery.