Jess Gale

Jessica has always felt the pull of nature, and is particularly drawn to the natural world, the great outdoors.  Thus the predominant focus of her work is the landscape.

She produces representational and abstract work, enjoying the challenges of both through painting and drawing.   Her practice involves both en plein air and studio work and she enjoys a holistic involvement with her subjects.  In both her abstract and representational work, she likes to investigate the dynamics of what is in front of her – the shapes, the light, the negative spaces - and then manipulate them, whether it is through form or colour, focussing on the energy of her subject, rather than a visual truth.


Jessica varies her media from acrylic and oil paints, to charcoal, pastels and printmaking.

 Trained at The Heatherley School of Fine Art, Chelsea, London, England.  


Lives and works in London and Dorset, England.